Meridian West
Meridian West’s Customer Feedback Programme Aids Global Client’s Expansion

“... we have developed a process to deliver that feedback directly to me, and to senior people within that organisation, and whoever else is responsible, and it kicks off a process of recording actions to remedying the situation.”
- Joseph Minchin, Consultant, Meridian West
About Meridian West
The organization specializes in client feedback programs for companies working in the professional services sector. Clients include international law firms, global accountancy, consulting, property management and financial services firms where, essentially, what they sell is their time and expertise. Meridian West uses Dapresy Pro on client feedback programs to provide a portal to feed back the findings, which for some of the clients, means at every level in the organization, from CEO and executive level down through the ranks to the more junior employees.
Achievements and Success with Dapresy
Joe says there is much he’s been proud to achieve with Dapresy. He gives the example of a client that had expanded rapidly from a handful of offices to over eighty, and was having difficulty winning the really valuable global accounts because it was proving difficult to offer the consistency of service across the board that the global accounts demanded.
“So we introduced a client feedback program across all of their offices, and as part of that process we built a Dapresy portal that provides high level feedback across all those offices. But also in there, we’ve used the Enfesys module to develop a follow-up system for poor feedback.”
In professional services businesses, follow-up is especially important. “If you ask a client for feedback but you don’t act on it, you can be in a far worse situation than if you didn’t ask in the first place. So we have developed a process to deliver that feedback directly to me, and to senior people within that organization, and whoever else is responsible for that client, and it kicks off a process of recording actions to remedying the situation.”
“We are now up to over 3000 pieces of feedback – which may not sound a lot to a consumer goods business, but in the professional services sector, each account is is often very valuable and complex, so this is a notably large program.”
“When I see some negative feedback has come in, then see the office has taken it on board and remedied a risky relationship that the client had never known about, well, it is a satisfying feeling. “