SEB Improves Branch Performance with Universal Access to Survey Results

“The branch managers are the most important people, so we make sure that they can easily explore the survey results. In fact, we encourage all our employees to stay in touch with the survey results on the marketing dashboard.”
- Sören Lundgren, Head of Service Mgmt/Service Dept, SEB
About SEB
SEB is a leading Nordic bank and financial services company. It operates in 20 countries and has 17,000 employees. SEB offers a range of services from personal to corporate and investment banking, and is strongly committed to building long-lasting relationships with its customers.
The Challenge
Good customer relationships are so central to SEB’s business strategy that it has developed a rolling customer experience survey to track the quality of around 100,000 interactions with its customers each year.
The Customer Experience team at SEB was finding it was too slow and time-consuming to distribute PowerPoint reports around a network of 165 bank branches every month. It was also not possible to provide branches with all the very detailed insights they needed to achieve the greatest positive impact on their own customer relationships.
SEB needed a new tool that would provide more actionable insights to their employees much faster, in a way branch staff could respond to, while avoiding the monthly effort of producing and distributing reports.
The Solution
SEB approached Dapresy, who suggested automating the production of the reports and making them available on an online marketing dashboard, delivered in Dapresy Pro. The result is a highly automated solution, which integrates Dapresy Pro with a widely-used Web survey platform. Survey invitations are issued to selected customers within 24 to 72 hours of their interaction with the bank. At the end of each month, SEB forwards the latest data to Dapresy, where it is checked and any monthly adjustments are made; then it is released into the marketing dashboards.
Sören Lundgren, Head of Service Management at SEB says: “It is now a highly automated system. It is very cost effective. Speeding up the distribution of the reports has made a huge difference.”
In many companies, market research reporting does not go beyond the CEO and senior managers. “We are different,” says Sören. “The way I see it, the branch managers are the most important people, so we make sure that they can easily explore the survey results. In fact, we encourage all our employees to stay in touch with the survey results on the marketing dashboard.”
Dapresy Pro has therefore helped to build another layer of relationships at SEB – this time with its survey data. The marketing dashboard goes into far more detail about each of SEBs 165 branches than was ever possible with manually created PowerPoint reports. When a branch manager logs in, he or she sees an overview of his/her branch’s performance over the last month, a comparison of their branch with neighbouring branches and beyond this, a portal to many in-depth reports relating to that one branch.
“The people who work in the branches can very quickly see how their work impacts on the results,” Sören observes. “The branches do act upon what they see on the marketing dashboard. Due to this, it now takes us only a short time to turn the performance of a branch from bad to acceptable. It takes many banks two to three years. We can change things very quickly.” Just how effective this approach has been can be seen in a benchmarking study by Efma* among 100 banks in 34 countries, in which SEB is the top performer in customer experience.
Dapresy continually helps SEB to enhance their dashboard and make it easier to use. “It is very, very easy to work with Dapresy. They always try to accomplish what we want and usually they succeed.”
One recent improvement has been to add a talking persona or avatar to the portal to guide SEB staff through its use. That avatar is based on Sören and uses his voice. “I knew that it had worked because normally when we make some small changes, I get ten phone calls a day to ask for help. But after we did this, it was only two or three in the whole week.”
Outcomes Achieved with Dapresy
Since working with Dapresy, SEB has achieved these outcomes:
Monthly reports available two to three weeks earlier, at the start of the following month instead of in the third week.
Two weeks of intensive work creating reports are now reduced to a few hours in one day.
Universal access to survey results across the SEB estate of 165 branches.
Greater awareness among all employees that their positive (or negative) efforts will be reflected in the results they see next month.
By delivering immediate feedback, SEB has achieved major performance improvements at branches within a short timeframe rather than two to three years previously
Creation of a company-wide customer insight information source which is more detailed and more searchable than static PowerPoint reports.
*Efma is a banking industry association that promotes innovation and best practice in retail finance. Its website is at